How it all began

Annie and Joey’s story started with an 8-hour first date, where they instantly connected over a shared love for adventure, music festivals, and a desire to build things. Annie admired Joey’s ambitious yet grounded nature, while Joey was drawn to Annie’s strength and spontaneity.

Their first few dates were in San Francisco with a rollicking fun time at popular spots like Blondie’s, Zeitgeist, Pink Elephant Alibi, SFMoMA, and more.

Things become more serious at their first weekend trip. Annie and a friend rented a place in Tahoe and, on a whim, invited Joey up. After motorcycling up in sleet and snow, Joey arrived in one piece only to be immediately bitten by a dog. It snowed so much that weekend that Joey’s motorcycle was completely covered. He drove down with the girls and took the train the next morning to retrieve his bike. It was then Annie knew that he was a keeper.

The Journey of Lifetime

After the Tahoe incident, Joey invited Annie to “check up on” his place in the Cayman Islands. Family members proceeded to pop up on the itinerary until it became a full on meet the Graceys weekend. Annie quickly had a crash course in Joey’s home and passed with flying colors.

Before they knew it, they were moving in together just weeks before the world changed during the pandemic lockdown. The timing could have been daunting, but for Annie and Joey, it was an opportunity to deepen their connection. They took advantage of this quiet period to explore Hawaii, Arizona, California, and at the tail end, the Caribbean. They went camping, hiked up mountains, swam in oceans, and rode horses as the world went quiet.

A Life Built Together

Their love story is one of building something extraordinary together. They challenge each other to grow, encourage each other to dream big, and celebrate each other’s authentic selves at every turn. From spontaneous adventures to quiet nights at home, Annie and Joey’s relationship is a testament to love, laughter, and unwavering partnership. And they can’t wait to celebrate it with you.